Make a Textile Blood Bag!

The Blood Bag Project is your chance to help, whether you donate blood or not! By making textile blood bags you can help Chloe and others just like her by raising awareness of DBA. So, let your creative juices flow!

The project is currently closed for submissions but we would love for you to make your own bags anyway and pass it on or display it somewhere in order to open up conversation about DBA and blood donation!



  • Please follow the template so that the collection of bags has a sense of unity
    The bags must be made from textiles, but what kind is up to you!
  • Please include the following information: name, age, occupation, city. This can be included in any form e.g. in/on the bag, on a tag connected to the bag, on a separate piece of paper.
  • You may embellish and fill your blood bag anyway you like, but nothing offensive please.

For information on where to send your textile blood bag, please get in touch via the contact page and a response will be sent via email!

Crochet Pattern

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact me through the contact page.